You Listen Always
‘Explores the idea of emotional relationships between humans and intelligent machines.'
We are not new to the term AI. We understand the incredible amount of possibilities an intelligent system can have, and we allow these systems to be part of our daily life. Although when we think of a scenario in which an AI becomes more then just a tool, we immediately assume this is far fetched, future like. To showcase that the idea of an emotional relationship between human and machine is not as future like as we might think.
‘You Listen Always’ tells the story of two young people and their digital love life. A young man, Xander, is looking for intimacy on a dating app.His friends are divided, and do not fully trust the anonymous aspect of the digital world. While Xander falls for this girl, who always seems to be online, he becomes blind to the fact that he has no idea who she really is. At the same time we meet Mell, who sees more disadvantages in online dating than benefits. Following the story lines of Mell and Xander, multiple aspects of how we change with all the new technologies comes to light.
30 min. / october 2018
Graduation Show Design Academy - Dutch Design Week 2018, Eindhoven
Tijnke van Gelder - director, producer and writer
Sebastian Drab - as Xander
Bryony Cole - as Mell
Ava Moore - as Kate
Alyssa Wagner - as Christine
Jule Wolfs - as Sarah
Bobby Makariev - as Sebas
Studio Munkicloud - director of photography
Lars Inhulsen - light design
Redmer Kamsma - sound & music design
Romee van de Ven - editor
Jonas Tjallema - assistant director
Michiel van Maaren - stylist
Rixt Rooks - fashion designer
Vito Boeckx - Special effects
Jim Brady - Special effects